PPAG is on vacation from December 20, 2019 to January 6, 2020 We will be back on Tuesday, January 7th, 2020! We wish everyone happy and relaxing holidays as well as health, confidence and all the best for the new year!  

Georg Poduschka and Anna Popelka at the imh Conference What does the educational building of tomorrow have to offer? Which room offers should a modern school building offer? The first imh conference “Construction & Operation of Educational Institutions” deals exactly with these questions. Education in Austria faces great challenges. Especially in the metropolitan areas (Vienna, […]

All walls are finished. The drywall of the extension building for the Primary School and Vocational School of the City of Vienna at Längenfeldgasse has been completed. The façade is being worked on – the light blue wind and waterproof film is already almost completely installed. The construction workers also started to install the perforated […]

The neighborhood center Open Up! – a project by PPAG – is one of the candidate projects of the IBA Vienna 2022. The event series IBA vor Ort will take place in the Biotope City next week. On Tuesday, November 26th, the exhibition with IBA candidates from Vienna’s south will be opened at 5 pm. The variety of projects […]

Der Slowakische Rat für umweltfreundliches Bauen (SKGBC) und die Slowakische Agentur für Innovation und Energie (SIEA) veranstalten ein Fachseminar “Erfolgreiche Erneuerung des Schulgebäudes”, das am 3. Oktober 2019 im Rahmen des internationalen Projekts INCI NZEB & EMMA in Bratislava stattfinden wird . Ziel der Veranstaltung ist es, Empfehlungen zu präsentieren, die sich aus der Untersuchung […]

We are happy to announce that we won this year’s Hans-Hollein-Art Prize for Architecture. The Hans Hollein Art Prize has been awarded annually since 2016 in recognition of Hans Hollein for a comprehensive, internationally recognized work. „This year’s winners point to the broad spectrum of Austrian art: an art that also attracts international attention and is often […]

The interview series ‘nextroom asks’ has published a publication and PPAG is represented with an interview by Anna Popelka. Many thanks to the author Martina Pfeifer Steiner for the interesting conversation and thank you to the photographer Lukas Hämmerle! ‘Five questions form the clear structure of this compendium, the diverse answers provide insight into today’s conditions for […]