Stadtquartiere nachhaltig und innovativ entwickeln Donnerstag, 19. April 2018 ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory Georg Poduschka als Referent im Panel 2 zu den Arbeiten von PPAG architects. Video-Mitschnitt hier… Panel 2: PRAXIS der Veränderung Welche Organisationsformen einer innovativen Quartiersentwicklung haben sich bewährt? Was macht man wie und warum? Wie sind die Ergebnisse? Einführung Imke Woelk, […]

Lecture by Anna Popelka. A lecture series of  the MSA (münster school of architecture) “Stadtansichten” in summer term 2018. International, renowned and exciting guests will talk on different positions of urban performance of architecture beyond the limits of the building site. Anna Popelka will held a lecture on “STRASSE=HAUS=PLATZ – Vorschläge für die Stadt im 21. Jahrhundert.” […]

Exhibition by PPAG architects With a focus on trendsetting forms of housing, PPAG architects is one of the leading protagonists of contemporary architecture in Austria. Since 1995, the Vienna-based architecture studio founded by Anna Popelka and Georg Poduschka has been working to stimulate the further development of our society through innovative living environments. ‘Do You […]

Symposium zum leistbaren Wohnen aus Österreich und der Schweiz Vienna, 30.November – 2. December 2017 Panel discussion with Anna Popelka 30.11.2017, 17:00 TUtheSky – Campus Getreidemarkt, TU Wien information and registration

In the context of the vienna art week, AzW Studio visits is guest at PPAG architects office. Friday, 17.11.2017, 14:00 – 18:00 Meeting Point: 13:50 Az W Shop, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna more information and registration

AC Wohnen – developer and client of our project Office and Retail Centre Deutsch-Wagram celebrates its 10th anniversary and invites to a party on their Pah Cej Kah stepped pyramid. Friday, 13th Oktober 2017, 11:00 Photo: (c) AC Wohnen