Beyond Shelter: Creating Inclusive Living Space. Lecture and discussion from and with Anna Popelka amongst others on 27.09.2017, 19:00 at AzW Podium more information Foto: David Kraler, Design: Luca Brusegan, Ulrike Hermann

  Plattformnachwuchsarchitekten are searching for innovative architectural proposals in Berlin. This years Motto “Different Living in the District” sets the competitions focus on flexible hybrid living, public space, networked mobility, trustworthy digital infrastructure and sustainable use of resources. Works can be submitted until the 2nd of June 2017. Jury members are: Prof. Raoul Bunschoten, TU-Berlin […]

Open UP! is our proposition of a new viennese „Zinshaus“, a hybrid, functionally unspecialized building that offers different uses on all floors, which are adaptable to changing future needs. Diverse and flexible outdoor, living, working and retail spaces not only allow a quality living environment but also open up the building towards the surroundings, allowing […]

BAU 2017 “The Future of Building” – 19.01.2017, Munich Lecture by Anna Popelka: “Housing construction in the urban and social context” Subjects: Living and Building 2020 19. 01. 2017 / Hall C2 Forum C2 Stand C2.309 12.00 – 12:45 a.m. Further information

  By loading the video, you agree to Vimeo’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock Vimeo Every 20 years the UN organises a Habitat-World conference, which aims to deal with housing and urban development issues: Vancouver 1976, Istanbul 1996, Quito/ Ecuador 2016. At the Habitat III conference, in late October this year, the ,,New […]