The series „Bezugsfertig“ from the Architekturzentrum Wien focuses on the new urban development Seestadt Aspern this year. One of the projects is PPAG’s Slim City. Panel discussion on September 21, 7 PM Tour with the architects on September 24, 3-6 PM   More information    

  On September 30 the new office and business building in Deutsch-Wagram officially opens! Starting at 2 PM you can get a first glance into the new building and enjoy the spectacular view from the roof terrace!    

Competition for an integrated primary school with an innovative spatial and pedagogical concept. The new school building in Schwefel  aims to offer the students the best possible learning and living environment. The individual modules on the upper floor are conceived as little villages for about 85 children. They are arranged in a circle around the […]

  THE ELASTIC APARTMENT The renowned jury chaired by Prof. Dr. Andreas Lepik chose our concept of the elastic apartment as a contribution with potential for the city.   INVITATION TO ROUND TABLE TALK ON JULY 15 AT 19:00 LADENLOKAL NAZARETHKIRCHSTR. 39, 13347 BERLIN-WEDDING In the context of the award PPAG (Anna Popelka and Georg […]

We are happy to announce the completion and opening of the exhibition “THE URBAN FUTURE thinking_forward_” in Technisches Museum Wien. Opening on June 8th, 2016 at 19:00, Technisches Museum Wien In the contemporary city, millions of people, each with different needs, coincide within a narrow space. That is exactly why cities form the strongest drive for […]