Constructing a stand-alone school campus is often neither possible nor practical in the city. The mini campus, which is intended to function as an additional standard component of the social infrastructure of the city (residential, office, retail) encompasses many uses, invigorates urban surroundings, does not require its own plot of land, and provides a multifaceted […]

PPAG architects invites to the presentation of the monograph PPAG: Speaking Architecture Date: June 12th, 2014 Time: 7 pm Venue: Buchhandlung Walther König, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna Including drinks at Kantine next door More information:

Thank you very much for your votes! We won the Architizer A+ Award Public Choice for the facade of a parking garage in Skopje. The awards ceremony will take place on May 15th in New York.

8.05.2014; 7 p.m. Series ‘Speaking about architecture’ by Zentralvereinigung der ArchitektInnen Österreichs BENE, Neutorgasse 4-8, 1010 Vienna

Urban Living – new forms of inner-city dwelling PPAG is currently developing, upon invitation of the city of Berlin and by the means of a real site in Neukölln, a manifest for a dense social city inside the city, a building for a broad section through society which is to function as a tool for […]

PPAG is nominated as finalist for the Architizer A+ Award for 3 projects: Kagome, the facade of a parking garage in Skopje, Macedonia and the furniture Twins. Go online and vote for us: Kagome Facade of parking garage, Skopje Twins