in context of the “Urban Divan” Workshop in Brno 12.07.2011 18h,  4AM/Gallery of architecture

in context of “Wohnbausymposiums St.Pölten” ORTE Architektur Netzwerk Niederösterreich Freitag, 17.Juni 2011; 10-19h; NÖ Landesbibliothek St.Pölten

the together with MN*LS developed ENZOS win the columbian Ganadores XIV Prize 2011 in the furniture category!

In context of the “Skopje Architecture Week” Sunday morning 05.06.2011, Skopje Skopje Architecture Week: 1-9.Juni 2011

in context of the PECHA KUCHA Night Bratislava Friday 27.05.2011; 19h, MMC-Majestic Music Club, Šancova street, Bratislava

mehr ist mehr (Vol 2) in context of the lecture series: Junge Architektur 2011; Architektur in Progress 19.Mai 2011- 19h bene zumtobel Bene/Zumtobel Graz Graz, Grabenstraße 23

The yardfurniture Enzo, developed together with MN*LS is exhibited at the Milano furniture (12.-17.April) Design Vision Austria Design Party: 14.April 2011 9-12pm