Award-winning contemporary architecture “made in Austria” is on display in Vienna’s Ringturm. A total of 152 buildings, landscapes or urban planning solutions that have been created in the past three years – including residential, office and educational buildings, scientific and cultural institutions as well as non-profit facilities – were submitted to the Austrian Bauherrenpreis 2021. […]

Every two years, the ever increasingly popular exhibition ‘Europe’s Best Buildings’ puts the focus on outstanding architecture projects from Europe: developments with visionary character, providing orientation or even serving as manifestos for the development of contemporary architecture. For the third time, remarkable residential projects have made it into the final round, while for the first […]

The Quartierhaus OPEN UP! in the Sonnwendviertel can be visited on 07.10.2022 as part of the excursion “Es geht auch mehr / More is possible” of the Architekturzentrum Wien: In the Sonnwendviertel, Michael Wallraff and PPAG architects show that (residential) architecture can be far more than merely humdrum.With Loft Living (Wallraff), an artistic/creative building group […]

The international jury of DETAIL magazine has nominated 15 projects for the DETAIL Award 2022. And our Längenfeldgasse Primary and Vocational School, built for the City of Vienna, has been shortlisted! Also, if you like our school project, you can vote for it for the DETAIL Readers’ Award until September 30th, on the DETAIL magazine […]

Since the Austrian Education Reform 2017, a lot has changed in Austria’s schools. Teachers can design their lessons entirely according to the needs of their pupils. The school bell has fallen silent in many places. Yet the new teaching methods, the move away from frontal teaching to free learning in small groups, require not only […]

OPEN HOUSE VIENNA opens exciting architecture that is otherwise not accessible to the public on September 10 and 11, 2022, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. For two days, free short tours of around 50 fascinating buildings in Vienna are on the agenda.The following topical theme trails are planned for this year:• IBA Vienna – […]