The Architekturzentrum Wien is the only museum in Austria devoted exclusively to architecture. As the Az W Collection has expanded over the last 17 years and consists of over 85 architects’ estates as well as extensive collections of individual projects, a large number of objects are being shown for the first time in the new […]

Climate crisis, distributive justice, complexity of a pluralistic society – we are in the midst of a unique change that effects on all areas of life. In this context, change especially holds an opportunity to rethink and redesign our coexistence and our environment. “Finding the ‘necessary new’ is also the task of architecture and urban […]

2021 is coming to a fantastic ending! And before we meet again in 2022, here are a few projects we look back on in delight:In November, our latest exhibition “Making Space for Possibilities” was inaugurated at the Aedes Architecture Forum in Berlin with much success. By the way, you can visit us there until January […]

On this Berlin site of almost 38,000 m2, on Allee der Kosmonauten, an integrated secondary school and a grammar school are being built under one roof – they jointly share the entrance, the multi-purpose area and library, the double sports hall and other open spaces.For this school building, the Compartment Model was applied as part […]

Space influences us and we influence space. Within the infinite “space of possibility” of architecture, PPAG are constantly searching for relevance and social benefit, tracking down the “necessary new”. The result of this search is shown in the exhibition by means of a multitude of projects in the form of plans, models, films and 1:1 […]

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the building of the Austrian Embassy in Berlin, the Austrian Cultural Forum Berlin and the Bundesstiftung Baukultur invite you to attend a panel discussion on November 4, 2021 on the subject of communicating building culture, the design of places of knowledge and the importance of postmodern architecture […]

Our OPEN UP! building in Vienna’s Sonnwendviertel is a so-called “Quartiershaus” meant to be a stimulus for a new social neighborhood, with a high-quality mix of uses and a flexible structure. It is in the focus of the next On-Stage lectures of ÜBERBAU on September 28th, at 5 pm.Robert Temel will explain the new Sonnwendviertel […]