House 10 Otto-Wagner-Spital

House 10 Otto-Wagner-Spital

House 10 Otto-Wagner-Spital

House 10 Otto-Wagner-Spital

Project TypeExpert proceedings
CLientGESIBA / Gemeinnützige Siedlungs- und Bauaktiengesellschaft
SizeUsable area 1317 m²
Project Team Anna Popelka, Georg Poduschka, Petra De Colle, Florian Bartelsen, Felix Zankel, Jakub Dvorak, Leonie Maier, Anna Zottl, Paul Fürst

>>View Project

The former Otto-Wagner-Spital (hospital) on the Baumgartner Höhe is a cultural landmark and the grounds belonging to it a popular local recreation destination for the residents of Vienna. This, however, gives rise to conflict as soon as retroactive densification comes up for discussion.
The idea of a building design ‘on tiptoe’, with a figure-ground diagram that deals with the valuable existing trees just as carefully as with the landmarked building structure, was realized, taking both nature and walkers into consideration.
A series of extremely introverted residential units—along with private open spaces—is stacked up, gradually set back more and more towards the top, around a tall tree in the courtyard. The residential units have various layouts, multiple orientations, and ingenious views. Each has areas with ceilings of considerably greater heights and tall windows. Therapists and clients of the neighbouring horse therapy facilities now live in the building.

Figure-ground diagram including the stock of trees

Photographs: (c) Hertha Hurnaus