The elastic apartment was developed for degewo real estate management as a housing project with 200 units for a specific site in Berlin. Not only the apartment itself is elastic regarding to occupancy and use, but also the resulting urban design. A combination of units enables dealing with almost any urban space-related situation. In this specific [...]

PPAG exhibition of a “School About Schools,” on a scale of 1:1.
Central issues on building contemporary educational facilities are addressed at 19 stations based on projects designed by PPAG in recent years.

Wohnen ist eine Beschäftigung mit sich selbst.   Schneewittchen rückt maximal in die Nordwestecke. Schlankheit. Minimale Beeinträchtigung der Umgebung. Wirkung entlang der Taborstraße geschwächt. Einführung eines (höhen)vermittelnden Körpers mit städtebaulicher Wirkung entlang der Taborstraße und der Bruno-Marek-Allee. Dramaturgie eines konzentrierten Ensembles im Zentrum des vielseitigen Rands. Vernetzung der Freiräume: Vorbereich Taborstraße, Arkade, Durchlässigkeit zur Bruno-Marek-Allee, [...]
View from Wasserburggasse DOESN'T LOOK THAT HIGH AT ALL! - The high-rise family is growing together.   Height concentration in the middle of the property, away from the neighbours, without burdening the Bahnstraße. At Nordberg-/Althanstraße, a sequence of heights that communicate with the existing stock. The city within the city opens up dynamic and exciting [...]

The construction of a small secondary school in the southern Norwegian village of Sauland, which PPAG architects designed together with the Norwegian Helen & Hard, brings cluster and village together. Austrian-international school construction expertise and Scandinavian timber construction expertise were the subject of a successful fusion. Free learning and project-oriented teaching are in the foreground, frontal teaching is limited to a sensible level. It was the largest new construction project in the village for 20 years.

All photographs taken by Paul Bauer

Exhibition architecture interacts with the scenography on eye-level: The space itself is informative, not only a display. Different qualities and attributes relating to the Future of the City like “dense” or “stimulating” can be physically experienced. (Source: Technical Museum Vienna)

The Campus+ is a current type of an educational institution uniting over 1,000 children and adolescents from 0-14 years under one roof. It is an integrating institution operating full-day and year-round.