Twins Košice

Twins Košice

Twins Košice

Twins Košice

CLientKosice 2013, City of Kosice via Interchair sk
PlaceKosice, Slovakia

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Jan Tekel

A pair of Twins consists of two identical elements that are vertically or horizontally joined together by means of simple cable connectors. Many Twins pairs are then almost endlessly combinable, in surface area as well as on edge, upside down or stacked into each other. Like ENZIs, they have various performative effects on users. By dividing them into two parts, they are easier to handle and rebuild, as long as they are not multiply bound. After winning the competition for the Headquarters of the European Cultural Capital Košice 2013, our friend, Irakli Eristavi (zerozero architects) asked us in 2010 if we wanted to develop multifunctional elements for the open surfaces. Two and a half years later, we delivered 100 white Twins.

Jan Tekel

all Photos by Jan Tekel