La Nuova Scuola
Out of a total of over 1,200 submissions, our building was selected for in-depth work in the second stage of four competitions under jury chairman Renzo Piano. Three of the projects were actually submitted by PPAG for the second stage of the competitions.
They were awarded the following placements by the jury: 3rd prize for Cento (Emilia Romagna), 4th prize for Foggia (Puglia) and 4th prize for Boviso-Masciago (Lombardy).
Salzburg Südtiroler Siedlung
Large modular primary school
Small modular primary school
Wiesenschlag – Elastic Quarter
The elastic apartment was developed for degewo real estate management as a housing project with 200 units for a specific site in Berlin. Not only the apartment itself is elastic regarding to occupancy and use, but also the resulting urban design. A combination of units enables dealing with almost any urban space-related situation. In this specific [...]
Schneewittchen – Heimstätte 4.0
Wohnen ist eine Beschäftigung mit sich selbst. Schneewittchen rückt maximal in die Nordwestecke. Schlankheit. Minimale Beeinträchtigung der Umgebung. Wirkung entlang der Taborstraße geschwächt. Einführung eines (höhen)vermittelnden Körpers mit städtebaulicher Wirkung entlang der Taborstraße und der Bruno-Marek-Allee. Dramaturgie eines konzentrierten Ensembles im Zentrum des vielseitigen Rands. Vernetzung der Freiräume: Vorbereich Taborstraße, Arkade, Durchlässigkeit zur Bruno-Marek-Allee, [...]
View from Wasserburggasse DOESN'T LOOK THAT HIGH AT ALL! - The high-rise family is growing together. Height concentration in the middle of the property, away from the neighbours, without burdening the Bahnstraße. At Nordberg-/Althanstraße, a sequence of heights that communicate with the existing stock. The city within the city opens up dynamic and exciting [...]